Enrollment Management Business Process

(Revised 11-3-10)



Students may enroll online using MyCerritos or in–person at Admissions. Previously, students were able to enroll using Falcon Phone; however, effective Spring 2010, Falcon Phone was eliminated due to budgetary constraints.  Students experiencing difficulty enrolling online using MyCerritos may visit the Academic Support Center in the Learning Resource Center.


Prior to the start of a session, students may enroll in a class which is “Open” and can be placed on a paid Wait List if a class is “Closed”.  As openings occur, the auto-enroll function in PeopleSoft moves students from the Wait List up to enrolled status.  During the “Instructor Initiated Add” period at the start of a session, instructors should continually check their rosters in Rosters+ for added and dropped students as this information changes frequently. Once the session has started, students are no longer permitted to add classes, and may only drop a class.


Instructors are able to manage enrollment in their classes online using Rosters+.  Instructors may:

Rosters+ is being continually improved based on the needs of instructors.  Some recently added features include indicating student Holds, Major, Minor, and transfer status. 


If, for some reason, an instructor can't get into Rosters+, the division secretary, dean, or department chair should be contacted, as they will have access to all appropriate rosters which can be printed at the request of an instructor.  On campus computer access to Rosters+ and technology training and support for Rosters+ are available in the Innovation Center in the Learning Resource Center.



Holds are periodically placed on students’ records by various departments on campus.  The most commonly encountered Holds are:

·        Holds from Counseling where the development of an Educational Plan is required to remove the Hold. This type of Hold occurs when a student is put on academic probation. Instructors should advise students with Educational Plan Holds to visit their Counselor to determine the steps that need to be taken to remove the Hold.

·        Holds from Financial Aid for issues such as overpayment.

·        Holds from Admission and Records for outstanding debt or bad address.

Holds result in a student being unable to add or drop classes, and order transcripts.  A student should attempt to clear the Hold right away as it may take time to clear up the condition that caused the Hold and then more time for the Hold to be removed from the student’s record.  Some Holds are removed immediately, while others are removed by a manual batch process periodically throughout the semester.


Holds are visible and defined for the student in MyCerritos. To view Holds, a student logs into their MyCerritos account, then clicks on the link for Student Center under the “One Stop” banner.  Once the student has clicked on the Student Center link, the “Holds” textbox can be seen in the top right hand corner.  Directly below the “Hold” textbox is an additional textbox called “To Do List” that indicates any actions that the student needs to take, such as turning in Financial Aid paperwork. Holds are also visible, but not defined, for the instructors in Rosters+ next to each student’s name.  If an instructor sees that a student has a Hold next to their name in Rosters+, the instructor should tell the student, “You have a Hold, please review your ‘Holds’ and ‘To Do List’ in your MyCerritos account.”  For assistance with Holds, students can visit the Academic Support Center in the Learning Resource Center or the appropriate office in the “One Stop Center” in the Administration Building, as there are computers and assistants in the lobby.


Enrollment Appointments and Enrollment Dates/Hours

Enrollment appointments are generated in PeopleSoft approximately 1 month prior to the commencement of enrollment.  Appointments will be assigned regardless of Holds; however, enrollment will be blocked pending the removal of the Hold.  Students may enroll anytime on or after their scheduled appointment date and time and only during published enrollment hours during valid enrollment dates.  The hours during which the enrollment engine of PeopleSoft is turned on for student enrollment are listed in the Schedule of Classes in the section entitled “Calendar of Important Dates”.  Currently, these hours are:




Monday – Saturday

2 am – midnight



8 am – midnight  


The dates during which students may add and drop classes and place their names on the Wait List are listed in the Schedule of Classes under “Calendar of Important Dates”.  These dates vary by session (18–week, first 9–week, etc.).  The most up to date information can be found online at the Admissions web page. 


The date and time of the enrollment appointment as well as the maximum units the student may take are visible to the student in MyCerritos.  To view the enrollment appointment (day and time), a student logs into their MyCerritos account, then clicks on the link for Student Center under the “One Stop” banner. Once the student has clicked on the Student Center link, the enrollment appointment can be seen in the top right hand corner, appearing in a textbox labeled “Enrollment Dates” shaded with yellow highlighting.  This textbox is located directly below the “Holds” and “To Do List” textboxes. The “Enrollment Dates” textbox indicates the earliest day and time a student may enroll in classes for a particular term.  Students may obtain additional information about their enrollment appointment by clicking on the Details link in the “Enrollment Dates” textbox.  By scrolling down this screen, students can see open enrollment dates by session and view their unit enrollment limits, including maximum total units, and maximum Wait List units. For students unable to enroll in a class because their maximum enrollment unit limit (or Wait List unit limit) has been reached, it is possible, in certain situations, to get this number increased to accommodate the class trying to be added.  Students should be advised by their instructors that they can make the request for additional units to any counselor during the beginning of the term. If approved, the counselor can change the student’s unit limitations in PeopleSoft.  Once this is done, the student should be able to enroll in the desired class through MyCerritos.


Student Enrollment

Students wishing to enroll in a class must first log into their MyCerritos account and click on the link for Student Center under the “One Stop” banner.  A student then adds each class to their Shopping Cart (Step 1 of 3) and then continues to click through Step 2 of 3, and Step 3 of 3 as classes are transferred from the Shopping Cart to the students’ class schedule.  In order for a student to become successfully enrolled, the class must be Open, and all eligibility conditions must be met.  The eligibility conditions checked by the PeopleSoft engine at the time of a student becoming enrolled in a class are:

1.      Requisite(s) met or currently in progress (prerequisites and/or corequisites)

2.      No time conflicts with other courses

3.      Within maximum enrollment unit limit

4.      Not on academic or progress dismissal

5.      No Illegal Course Repetition

6.      No Holds

No eligibility checks are performed when students add classes to the Shopping Cart.  The enrollment engine in PeopleSoft only reports the first error that is encountered at the time of enrollment.  So, if a student addresses their issue and tries to enroll again, they might encounter a secondary or tertiary issue.  Enrollment successes and failures, as well as the first corresponding error encountered, are clearly visible to the students as they progress through Step 3 of 3.


If a student is currently enrolled in a class that is a prerequisite for a subsequent class they are attempting to enroll in, PeopleSoft assumes the student will successfully complete the prerequisite class and will grant conditional access to the subsequent class.  Afterward, if it is determined that the student did not pass the prerequisite class, thus not meeting the prerequisite, Admission and Records will manually drop the student from the roster of the subsequent class. Instructors should advise their students to check their grades in the prerequisite class at the beginning of the semester to ensure eligibility in the subsequent class, as prerequisite drops may be done manually by Admissions after grades are received as late as a month or more into the semester.  Students may check their grades by logging into their MyCerritos account then clicking on the View Grades link under the “Quick Links” banner.  Students then follow the directions on the screen to access their grades for a particular term.


Most students are able to successfully enroll online using MyCerritos.  However, sometimes PeopleSoft blocks enrollment for a student in MyCerritos.  If the student is eligible for enrollment, the problem can be fixed with a manual override of PeopleSoft in Admissions.  Some frequently encountered situations are:


  1. Illegal Course Repetition: PeopleSoft is configured to block students attempting to enroll in a course for a third time after receiving two substandard grades (“D”, “F”, “F/W”, or “W”).  In this situation, the student receives an error message in MyCerritos that says the course has been previously taken, and enrollment is not allowed.  In order for a student to take the course for a third time, prior written approval from the Academic Records and Standards Committee must be obtained.  Once the Academic Records and Standards Committee approves a student’s petition (request) to take the course a third time, enrollment into the desired class must take place in person in Admissions where Admissions verifies that an approved petition is on file before enrolling the student into the desired class, provided the student is eligible for enrollment.  For more information on this policy, please see the Admission and Records webpage on Course Repetition.


  1. Enrollment in Two Prerequisite Classes within a Single Term: For classes taken back-to-back in consecutive summer sessions or within a single term (i.e., Fall, Spring, Summer) where the first class is a prerequisite for the subsequent class, PeopleSoft will not recognize a prerequisite taken in a different session within the same term.  Example:  9–Week 1 ENGL 20 trying to enroll in 9–Week 2 ENGL 52. In this case, the student must enroll in the subsequent class in-person in Admissions.  Admissions is able to manually verify enrollment in the prerequisite class and enroll the student into the subsequent class.  Instructors in Departments that routinely offer prerequisite classes in back-to-back sessions within a single term should advise students that it is necessary to go to Admissions to enroll in the subsequent class.  The student will not be able to enroll in the subsequent class through MyCerritos, as it will give them an error message indicating that their prerequisite is not met.


  1. Incorrect Error Codes: Sometimes, PeopleSoft will block student enrollment and give an error code that is incorrect based on the student’s record.  For example, if PeopleSoft indicates that the student has exceeded their maximum unit limitation when, in fact, the student has not, or if PeopleSoft indicates that the requisite is not met when, in fact, it is.  Occasionally, these inconsistencies occur, and students should go to Admissions to have them investigate the situation.  If Admissions determines the student is eligible for enrollment, and PeopleSoft in is error, then Admissions enrolls the student.


Wait List

A paid Wait List is established for all classes, where normal enrollment fees apply, including lab fees.  The size is the greater of the following two conditions: 20% of the course enrollment limit (Class Max) or 10.  Once the enrollment limit has been met, students will be offered a Wait List position. The last date for a student to add their name to a Wait List is 11:59 pm before the first day of the session.  Once all positions on the Wait List have been used, students will be advised that the class is Closed.  Waitlisted students are required to attend the first class meeting (including mandatory orientations, if applicable), or they may be dropped by their instructor as a “No Show”.  The Wait List in Rosters+ is purged at the end of the “Instructor Initiated Add” period.


Eligibility for enrollment on the Wait List is verified prior to a student adding their name to the Wait List.  This is different than the conditions that must be met to determine eligibility for enrollment into the class as an enrolled student.  The eligibility conditions checked by the PeopleSoft engine at the time of a student placing their name on the Wait List are:

1.      Requisite(s) met or currently in progress (prerequisites and/or corequisites)

2.      No time conflicts with other classes

3.      Within maximum Wait List unit limit

4.      Not on academic or progress dismissal

5.      No Holds

If a student's situation changes from the time they were first added to the Wait List, they are not removed from the Wait List. For example, if a Hold is placed on a student’s account after Wait List placement – the student is not removed from the Wait List.  However, as the auto-enroll engine of PeopleSoft tries to move the student up to enrolled status as openings occur, the student stays on the Wait List until the Hold is removed, as other students eligible for enrollment jump over the student with the Hold.


Students eligible for enrollment will be moved from the Wait List to enrolled status as seats become available via the auto–enroll function in PeopleSoft until 11:59 pm before the first day of the session.  Waitlisted students should continually check their enrollment status by logging into their MyCerritos account and checking to see if they have been moved up from the Wait List to enrolled status.  Students can view the enrollment status (Enrolled, Wait List, Dropped) by clicking on the link for Enroll/Drop Classes under the “Quick Links” banner and then scrolling down to the bottom of the page where their academic schedule is listed for the current term. 


Closed Classes

Once the course enrollment limit (Class Max) is met, and the Wait List is full, students are advised that the class is Closed for enrollment.  Enrollment in an individual class may also be stopped at any time by the Division Dean. Once a class is Closed, students must petition the instructor to be added to the class.  Instructors can add students from the Wait List and add petitioners by using the Instructor Add tab in Rosters+. 


Instructor Adds

The auto–enroll function in PeopleSoft, which moves eligible students up from the Wait List to enrolled status as openings occur, runs until 11:59 pm prior to the first day of the session, and does not run again for that term.  After the auto-enroll function in PeopleSoft ceases, instructors can use the Instructor Add tab in Rosters+ starting the first day of the session to add students (Waitlisted and petitioners) into their class.  The last day for an instructor to add a student via the Instructor Add tab varies by session length, and is clearly indicated in Rosters+ next to the Send Add button. For 18-week classes, this functionality in PeopleSoft lasts for the first two weeks of the semester.


Instructors should add students from the paid Wait List first, in the order listed, until exhausted, before adding petitioners.  Students are notified of their Wait List position number at the time of registration and have informed expectations of getting into the class.  Since students have paid to be on the Wait List, deviations from this add order may cause problems of equity and fairness covered in the open access portion of Title V.


Instructor initiated adds via the Instructor Add tab override the Class Max enrollment limit set in the computer.  The old practice of having the Division Dean increase the Class Max is no longer necessary nor advised. Instructors are encouraged to take into consideration the number of available chairs and class attrition rates in deciding to exceed the Class Max.  Enrollment above the Class Max is at the discretion of Admissions and the Division Dean, as enrollment in the class can be stopped at any time by both Admissions and the Division Dean.  Consequently, any decision to exceed the Class Max should ideally be made in consultation with the Department Chair and/Division Dean, and be consistent with Departmental/Divisional policy.


Auto-Enroll from Wait List to Enrolled List & Instructor Adds – Not Working

If the auto-enroll function in PeopleSoft is not adding students to the Wait List prior to the first day of the session, or the Instructor Add tab did not enroll a student within the 24 hour time frame it takes for processing the add, the faculty member should check for the following issues within Rosters+ by clicking on the Student ID Number of the student that did not get added.  This will identify the first error encountered when attempting to enroll a student, which include:

1.      Requisite(s) not met (prerequisites and/or corequisites)

2.      Time conflicts with other classes

3.      Exceeded maximum enrollment unit limit

4.      On academic or progress dismissal

5.      Illegal Course Repetition

6.      Holds


For all students, a “Transaction Log” of enrollment transactions (successes and failures) is available under the Roster tab by clicking on the student ID next to each student’s name.  Reasons for enrollment failures, such as “Requisites not met for class” and “Course previously taken, enrollment not allowed”, are clearly visible in this “Transaction Log.”  If the student in the 1st position on the Wait List is not eligible for enrollment in the class due to one of the above reasons, the auto-enroll function in PeopleSoft will check the eligibility of the student in the 2nd position, and will move them up if they qualify, and so on. 


Students attempting to be added using the Instructor Add tab will be labeled either “Enrolled” if the add was successful or “Not Enrolled” if the add was unsuccessful for any of the above reasons.  A “Transaction Log” for these students is available by clicking on the student ID next to each student’s name under the Instructor Add tab.


Adds for Excessive Repeaters that are sent by using the Instructor Add tab will not be processed, regardless of whether or not the student has an approved petition on file with the Academic Records and Standards Committee. As PeopleSoft checks eligibility for enrollment, the student will be rejected because they have taken the class too many times. The Transaction Log for an Excessive Repeater will show that the student was “Not Enrolled” and the reason will be listed as “Course Previously Taken Enrollment Not Allowed.” If an instructor sees that a student has received this error message next to their name, the instructor should tell the student, “You have taken this class too many times, please see a Counselor or talk to Admission and Records.” Excessive Repeaters with approved petitions from the Academic Records and Standards Committee cannot be added via the Instructor Add tab and must have their adds processed manually in Admissions. If the session has already started, and the instructor wishes to add an Excessive Repeater, the instructor needs to authorized the add by signing a Change of Program form for the student. The instructor signature is required at the bottom of the form where it states “Staff use only”. The instructor should check the box marked “Petition for Academic Records & Standards Committee” and then sign on the line where it indicates “Instructor signature maybe [sic] required:”.  Change of Program forms are available in Division Offices, Admissions, and online on the Admissions and Records forms page.


Student and Instructor Initiated Drops

Students may drop a class by using MyCerritos, provided the drop deadlines have not passed.  To drop classes using MyCerritos, the student logs in and then clicks on the link for Enroll/Drop Classes under the “Quick Links” banner.


Enrolled and Waitlisted students who do not show up for the first scheduled meeting of a class, including mandatory orientations, if applicable, may be dropped as “No Show” by their instructor using the Drop Students tab in Rosters+.  Drops done via the Drop Students tab in Rosters+ trigger an automated email to the instructor and student indicating that a drop has been initiated.  Students who do not have an email address listed in their MyCerritos account do not receive notification of the drop.  Instructors should check their rosters in Rosters+ to see if the drop has been processed.  If the dropped student has not been removed from the roster within 24 hours, the instructor should contact the Help Desk at X2166 or through email: helpdesk@cerritos.edu.  


For lecture/lab linked classes, the drop should be initiated by the instructor in the “lecture” class.  As the drop processes through, it will trigger a corresponding drop in the “lab” class.  For classes with in the Learning Community program, the student will not be dropped unless all classes within the Learning Community are dropped.  In this case, please contact Admission and Records for assistance, if necessary, to drop a student from all their Learning Community program classes.


When students are dropped in Rosters+, the instructor selects their choice of two drop codes depending on the reason for the drop:

1.      “No Show” – generally available only the first week of classes

a)     “No Show” is defined as a student (enrolled or Waitlisted) that did not attend the first day of class (or mandatory orientation, if applicable);

b)     If “No Show” is selected today’s date is set as the drop date.  For 18-week classes, “No Show” drops are available only during the first week of the semester;

c)     According to the Cerritos College policy governing drops, Instructors shall clear their rosters of “No Show” students no later than the second class meeting. For online and/or for classes with no meeting patterns, instructors shall clear their roster of "No Show" students by the end of the first week.

2.      “Drop” – available up to the drop deadline specified in Rosters+ under the Drop Students tab

a)     “Drop” is defined as a student that is excessively absent;

b)     If “Drop” is selected, today’s date is set as the drop date;

c)     PeopleSoft will automatically default the date to today’s date; however, if today is not the correct drop date, an instructor can click the calendar icon and select the correct drop date;

d)     “Drop” dated on or before the “Last Day to Drop with a “W”” deadline results in the class not appearing on the student’s transcript;

e)     “Drop” submitted after the “Last Day to Drop with a “W”” deadline results in the student receiving a grade of “W” in the class;

f)       According to the Cerritos College policy governing drops, Instructors shall clear rosters of “inactive students” no later than the 14th week of classes or 75% of the term, whichever is less. 

These important drops dates and others are available on the Master Academic Calendar in Outlook.


In accordance with Title V, Instructors …

·        must drop students identified as “No Show”;

·        may drop students who are excessively absent;

·        may NOT drop students for poor academic performance.

Faculty should make it clear in their syllabus what constitutes excessive absences during the “Instructor Initiated Add” period (for 18-week classes this is the first two weeks of the semester) and during the remainder of the semester.


Other Drops

In addition to students dropping themselves from a class and instructor initiated drops for attendance reasons, Cerritos College also utilizes other types of drops.  The Drop codes used by Cerritos College are:

1.      Drop for No Show – Instructor initiated drop for a student (Enrolled or Waitlisted) who did not attend the first day of class (or mandatory orientation, if applicable).

2.      Dropped for Non PaymentAdmissions initiated drop when a student fails to pay fees due within the specified time period.  Students are dropped from all their classes that generated the fees due.

3.      Prerequisite DropAdmissions initiated drop done when the student has not met the prerequisite.  This drop is processed manually after the term has started and backdated to the first day of the session.

4.      Student Drop – Student initiated drop dated on or before the “Last Day to Drop with a “W”” deadline.

5.      Instructor Initiated Drop – Instructor initiated drop dated on or before the “Last Day to Drop with a “W”” deadline.

6.      Withdraw – Student initiated drop dated after the “Last Day to Drop with a “W”” deadline.

7.      Instructor Initiated Drop, Withdraw – Instructor initiated drop dated after the “Last Day to Drop with a “W”” deadline.

8.      Admin DropAdmissions initiated drop when necessary due to an administrative procedure, such as discipline or circumstances beyond the control of the student.

9.      Cancelled EnrollmentAdmissions initiated drop when the course is cancelled (for any number of reasons). This type of drop is noted to insure the student is not penalized and that a refund is given.


Information about student drops is available to instructors in Rosters+ at the bottom of the page under the Roster tab.  Student names are indexed by drop date with the most recent drop dates on top - see sample below:


Dropped Students





Student Name

Student ID

Drop Date



Smith, Jane


Apr 15, 2010



Barcelona, Carlos


Mar 17, 2010

Instructor Initiated Drop, Withdraw


Gonzales, Sabrina


Feb 23, 2010

Pre-Requisite Drop


Gray, Crystal


Jan 25, 2010

Instructor Initiated Drop


Jones, Tom


Jan 20, 2010

Student Drop


Grey, Chris


Jan 16, 2010

Drop for No Show


Villanueva, Kevin


Dec 10, 2009

Cancelled Enrollment


Monroe, Sarah


Nov 31, 2009

Dropped for Non Payment


Johnson, Ralph


Nov 23, 2009

Admin Drop


Submitting Grades in Rosters+

Student grades are submitted online by instructors by using the Final Grades tab in Rosters+. The earliest date at which grades may be submitted for a particular course, as well as the last day grades may be submitted, are clearly indicated on this page.  These dates appear before and after the list of student names and next to the Step 1 of 3: Enter Final Grades button.  This button is deactivated during the session and only becomes active during the window available for submitting final grades. Students that have been dropped with a grade of “W” and students officially auditing the course do not appear on this list.


If the class is graded as “Pass/No Pass”, only these two options will appear on the pull–down grading menu.  If the class is graded as “Letter Grade”, the instructor will have a choice of the following grades: “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “F”, “FW”, and “I”. If a student has changed from Letter Grade to Pass/No Pass, then their pull–down grading menu will reflect the Pass/No Pass options, instead of the Letter Grade options.  The “FW” grade may be used by instructors for a student who did not pass the course because they stopped participating in the course and did not officially withdraw by the “Last Day to Drop with a Grade of ‘W’ deadline”.


Once the instructor has entered grades for all the students on the list, they should click the Step 1 of 3: Enter Final Grades button. If an instructor fails to enter a grade for one or more students a red error message will appear in the upper left–hand corner of the screen. For students with a grade of “F”, Rosters+ will prompt the instructor, with a red error message, to specify whether or not the student participated in the class through the “Last Day to Drop with a Grade of ‘W’” deadline. For students with a grade of “I”, Rosters+ will prompt the instructor, with a red error message, to specify the “Default Grade” for the student and the work that needs to be made up in order for the Incomplete to be removed.  The Default Grade for the student is the grade that the student has earned so far in the course and will receive on their transcript if they do not clear the Incomplete.  Once the work has been made up by the student, the Change of Grade form is used to change the grade.


Once the conditions indicating the error message(s) have been removed, upon clicking the Step 1 of 3: Enter Final Grades button, a new screen will appear. The pull–down grading menus will have vanished and each student will have a corresponding grade.  The attendance information for a grade of “F”, and the Default Grade and work that needs to be made up for a grade of “I”, will show at the bottom on the screen below the list of student names.


Now the instructor is on Step 2 of 3: Confirm Final Grades. The instructor should scroll down this screen and verify that all the grades have been entered correctly. If a grade has been entered in error, an instructor can use the “Back” button on their browser to go back to the previous screen and fix the erroneous grade. (Hint: Some instructors find it helpful to print this screen and verify the grades on a printed copy, rather than off of the computer screen.  Instructors just need to remember to shred this document when they are finished, as it contains student names and ID numbers.)  If all the student grades are correct, the instructor clicks the Step 2 of 3: Confirm Final Grades Button.


The final grading screen will now appear, identical to the previous “Step 2 of 3” screen, but with a Step 3 of 3: Send Final Grades button.  This is an instructors’ last chance to change previously entered grades before they are submitted to PeopleSoft for processing.  If everything is correct, the instructor should click on the Step 3 of 3: Send Final Grades button to finish submitting grades online.


Instructors have 7 working days to provide the following grading documentation to Admissions and Records.


The Final Grade Report generated in Rosters+ contains web links for printing:

The Instructor Grading Procedure from


Manual Processes

Many day to day student transactions require a manual override of PeopleSoft.  These transactions require a paperwork trail, and some require instructor and/or administrative signatures.

1.      Instructor Initiated Processes

a.      Late Adds – Students still needing to be added into a class after the instructor add deadline in Rosters+ has passed must fill out a “Late Add Form.”  This requires a signature from both the instructor and the Division Dean prior to the 4th week of class or 20% of the class.  An additional signature from the Dean of Academic Affairs is required at the 4th week of class or 20%.  Late Add Forms are available in Division offices.

b.      Reinstatement – If a student has been dropped in error by an instructor, a student may request that the instructor fill out and sign a “Reinstatement” form.  These forms are available at the Faculty Desk in Admissions.  The Transaction Log for a reinstated student will reflect that the student was dropped by the instructor then subsequently enrolled in the class by Admissions, for a second time. Reinstatement forms require the signature of both the instructor and the student being reinstated.

c.      Grade Change – If a student’s grade has been entered in error in Rosters+ by the instructor, or if the grade needs to be changed from an “Incomplete” to a letter grade, the instructor must submit a “Grade Change” form.  Grade Change forms are available in Division offices and require the signature of both the instructor and the Division Dean.

2.      Student Initiated Processes

a.      Prerequisite Clearance – As a condition of eligibility for enrollment, PeopleSoft checks to see if the student has met the course perquisite(s). For students who did not take the prerequisite course(s) at Cerritos College, the course prerequisite(s) can be met by:

                                                    i.     Counselor Clearance – Students with High School coursework, or coursework from another institution, that they believe meets a course prerequisite, should bring their Unofficial transcript to a Counselor to review. Students should clearly indicate to their Counselor which course prerequisite(s) they wish to clear.   The Counselor will review the transcript and make a determination.  It may take up to 10 business days for the prerequisite to be cleared in PeopleSoft.  Once the prerequisite is cleared in PeopleSoft, the incoming Counselor Clearance loads to the beginning of a student’s Unofficial transcript.

                                                   ii.     Assessment Test – Most students take an Assessment Test upon entering Cerritos College to determine initial placement in Math, English, and Reading. Assessment, or Placement Tests, are available throughout the year from the Assessment Center. Placement results from an Assessment Test load at the end of a student’s Unofficial Transcript.

                                                  iii.      Multiple Measures – If a student believes that they possess knowledge and/or skills equivalent to the prerequisite course, the student may submit a “Requisite Clearance Request Form”.  The student fills out the form, attaches the necessary documentation, and submits the form to Counseling.

b.      Illegal Course Repetition – Students who have attempted a class twice and received the following grade(s) or notation: “D”, “F”, “W”, “F/W”, or “NP”, are blocked from enrolling in the same class a third time.  They must file a “Petition to the Academic Records and Standards Committee”, which can either be approved or denied by the Academic Records and Standards Committee.  If approved, students must follow the directions on the form in order to enroll in the class. Enrollment must take place in person at Admissions.

c.      Change of Program – Students processing add or drop transactions in person in Admissions, instead of online through MyCerritos, must submit a “Change of Program” form available online and in Admissions.  Enrollment via a Change of Program form must be done in person for classes taken back-to-back in consecutive summer sessions or within a single term, such as Fall, where the first class is a prerequisite for the second class. Example: 9–Week 1 ENGL 20 trying to enroll in 9–Week 2 ENGL 52.

d.      Level/Section Change Form – Enrolled students wishing to change to a different section of the same class (or level change to a different class) within the same term may submit a “Level/Section Change” form.  This requires the signature of both instructors and the Division Dean.  Level/Section Change forms are available online and in Admissions.  Add deadlines and department rules apply to level/section changes. Please consult the Cerritos College Class Schedule or Cerritos College Catalog for more information regarding Level/Section changes.

e.      Pass/No Pass – Enrolled students wishing to change from the letter grade option to the “Pass/No Pass” option must submit a “Pass/No Pass” form. Students may select this option prior to the Pass/No Pass deadline, as listed in the Cerritos College Class Schedule under “Calendar of Important Dates”.  The most up to date information can be found online at the Admissions web page. Pass/No Pass forms are available online and in Admissions.

f.       Audit – If a student wishes to Audit a class, they need to fill out an “Audit” form available online and in Admissions. Students wishing to Audit must exhaust all means to enroll for Credit prior to requesting Audit status. Students must wait until the first class meeting to request instructor consent via their signature. Please consult the Cerritos College Class Schedule or Cerritos College Catalog for more information regarding Audit.